Vegetable Subscription

CA$32.00 every week

Sign up for a weekly box of the freshest and best quality vegetables we have to offer. The 2024 Vegetable subscription is a limited offering - don’t wait to subscribe!

The cost is $32 per week and will be charged to your preferred method of payment on a weekly basis.

Each weekly box delivered to your door ($5 delivery charge within our delivery area) from June 7th to August 30th will contain an assortment of 6-10 seasonal vegetables. Deliveries will occur on Friday afternoons. Orders can also be picked up at the farm on Fridays or at Brockville Farmer’s Market Saturday mornings. We will contact you to make arrangements.

Your payments will be charged on a weekly basis. If you are going to be away, deliveries and corresponding payments can be put on hold anytime by calling us or sending an email. You can also cancel your subscription at anytime. You will be charged for your first week upon subscription and then subsequent weeks starting June 14th. All payment withdrawals will be cancelled at the end of the subscription period.
